CI Pipe Joint Sealants
A breakthrough in conventional system of sealing the C.I. Pipe Joint. It would replace lead used for sealing pipe joints. Worldwide, lead or cement mortar is used for sealing the pipe joints. In case of lead, heating is required for melting, gasket/wet clay shuttering support is required for horizontal joints and finally hammering is must for proper caulking. Lead has negligible bonding strength, is toxic and pollutes the environment when heated. Cement mortar decays with the reaction of acid (used for cleaning toilets), requires water curing, has a tendency to develop shrinkage cracks, has low bonding strength, is not very durable and joints are not completely waterproofed.

DRIPSEAL PJS-43 has been developed to overcome all these drawbacks. Besides outstanding properties, low cost is plus point of this product. DRIPSEAL PJS-43 works out much economical than lead as its density (1.95gm/cc) is 1/6th that of lead (11.35gm/cc). It is also an import substitute as 50% of total lead consumption is imported into India.

LEAD Dripseal PJS-43
Hot application. Molten Lead is used for sealing joints Cold Application. Mix both parts homogenously and fill in the joints.
Flowable in molten state. Shuttering support required to fill horizontal joints. Completely non-flowable. No shuttering support required to fill horizontal joints.
Fuel wood required for melting. Being cold applied, no additional cost of fuel wood.
Complicated and time consuming application. Easy and quick application.
High Labour cost Low Labour cost
Risky application as it is hot applied. No such risk is involved
Negligible bonding strength. Chances of pilferage High bonding strength. No chances of pilferage
Being heavier (high density) consumption rate is higher. Higher application cost. Being lighter low density) consumption rate is lower. Low application cost.
Can be used only to seal C.I pipe joints Can be used to seal C.I to C.I, C.I to A.C, C.I to R.C.C, C.I to P.V.C, and C.I to Ceramic pipe joints and fittings.
Hammering must for proper caulking as it tends to shrink on cooling. No hammering required as it is non-shrinkable.
Large quantities are imported Import substitute
Pollutes when heated Environment friendly
Toxic Non-Toxic